Using Freelancers as Temporary Workers

In today’s dynamic and ever-changing labor market, temporary workers play a crucial role in the Nigerian economy. As the country continues to face various challenges such as high unemployment rates, limited job opportunities, and a rapidly growing population, the utilization…

Understanding the Latest Trends in Talent Management

In today’s highly competitive business environment, organizations are realizing that their most valuable asset is their talent. Talent management has emerged as a critical function that enables companies to attract, develop, and retain top performers. As the workforce evolves, so…

Enhancing Financial Inclusion for the Gig Economy

Introduction The gig economy has experienced significant growth in recent years, reshaping the employment landscape and offering individuals new avenues for income generation. With the rise of digital platforms and technology-enabled work, more people are engaging in freelance, part-time, or…

How To Negotiate Better As A Freelancer: 5 Tips to Effective Negotiation

Negotiating with clients is often a difficult and conflicting aspect of freelancing; we’re most times torn between trying to get the right value for our service by trying not to underprice ourselves; and coming up as being too expensive, or…

5 Tips to Getting the Most Out of Freelancers
According to Payoneer, the desirability and prevalence of freelancing is flourishing and it’s here to stay. This is due to evident developments and changes in the business world; today, many businesses are beginning to see the need to outsource jobs…
How Small Businesses can Leverage Hybrid Workforce to Stay Competitive
The evolution of the ‘everywhere’ workforce is helping smart small businesses to uncover new value. This means by serving as the aggregators of global top skills and processes startups can deliver top quality services for clients and customers at a…
Power Your Business Through Digital Marketing
The marketing landscape is evolving. How much revenue gets channelled down to businesses these days is largely tied to the scope of each business’ brand exposure and consumer engagement across the digital platforms. The number of content consumed digitally globally…
What’s Your Plan for Your Business to Outlive You
The family enterprise is one of the oldest and most popular forms of business across the world, yet Ninety percent of family businesses do not make it to the third generation. As shown on CNN The 100 club program, that…
How Hiring a Freelancer to Drive Your Integrated Marketing Communication Yields Business Growth
Marketing strategies are as effective as the communication tactics deployed to drive them. Therefore, raising your voice, sticking out uniquely, and being in everyone’s face is key to accelerating your business growth. Since the global marketing media are continuously fragmenting,…
How to Solve Your Business’ Human-capital Challenge and Raise Competitiveness
Assess to top experts across all specialist fields have become a critical factor of business competitiveness in the new global trade and service frameworks. Platforms such as TERAWORK link entrepreneurs to a pool of global talents known as professional freelancers.…