Power Your Business Through Digital Marketing
The marketing landscape is evolving. How much revenue gets channelled down to businesses these days is largely tied to the scope of each business’ brand exposure and consumer engagement across the digital platforms. The number of content consumed digitally globally…
How Hiring a Freelancer to Drive Your Integrated Marketing Communication Yields Business Growth
Marketing strategies are as effective as the communication tactics deployed to drive them. Therefore, raising your voice, sticking out uniquely, and being in everyone’s face is key to accelerating your business growth. Since the global marketing media are continuously fragmenting,…
Video Marketing is Trending – Two (2) Advantages Freelancers Bring to Your Brand Strategies
25% of the world population viewed digital videos in 2019. The digital video consumption number is primed to rise to around 35% of the global population at 3.1 billion in 2023. The rise in digital video viewership underlines where brand…
Businesses Emphasize Performance Over How and Where Work is Done
The ongoing viral outbreak has transformed business operating models. How work is done, where it is done and the skills required to carry out work have undergone rapid transformation. The CEOs and COOs caught the bug quite fast. As debate…
TERAWORK is fast becoming a home for African freelancers
In 2015, Femi Taiwo wasn’t planning to start a new company until he was duped by a company he outsourced a project to. Already behind schedule, he found a company online that claimed it could execute the project. In the…
Four (4) areas of freelancers rise in profile and what they mean for your business’ success pursuit
As the feeble global economy drags on the professional freelancers’ market has remarkably emerged stronger. It sure sounds like a new way of doing business is upon us. The figures that highlight the growth trend in the freelance market are…
How TERAWORK can help boost your business efficiency
Increased workforce productivity level robs on business output. But having employees go through the learning curve before they start turning out the required level of productivity takes time and diminishes finite resources. Businesses can cut themselves the slack by outsourcing…
What the expansion in remote work means for your business
A Future of Jobs Report conducted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in the preceding year revealed that around 84% of employers are ‘overseeing a significant expansion of remote work’. To this end, new collaborative tools are being installed to…
Five (5) Tasks You Should Outsource to Take Advantage of New Skill Variants and Cost-Saving
‘Upskilling’ is the new buzzword across industries just as expert industry insights now make a difference in a firm's aggressive competitive pursuit. This marketing development has thrown up a large swathe of opportunities for businesses to sense and serve the…
Four (4) Advantages You Would Derive from Pivoting to Flexible Work Arrangement
Tough times demand a tough approach. While the 2020-2021 market environments haven’t been the toughest across trade timelines, it does qualify at least for a wobbly time to be in business. Navigating the challenging terrains successfully is the task of…