How long will it take you to complete an order Let your clients know how long it will take you to complete their work. Be careful not to agree to durations you cannot meet up with. We want them to…
Clients may contact you
Always keep your line open Every now and then, potential buyers may need to communicate directly with you before deciding on your work. Or they need may need work that is not expressed in the work package section of your…
Your experience with clients matters: say something!
Let us know how it’s going Hi seller, You mean a lot to us. That’s why we want to know how you feel at all times. Upon completion of a client’s work, you get to review your buyers. This will…
Get feedback from clients on your service
Hear what your clients have to say When you’ve successfully submitted a client’s work, he gets the chance to give a review (positive or negative) concerning your service. Your goal should be able to rack up as many positive reviews…
The Work Management Tab
Everyone needs a little order in their lives If you haven’t already figured it out, the work management feature was created to help you manage all your jobs. All your works that are yet to be submitted will appear in…
Share Your Unique URL
Let Your Friends Know How You’re Doing By sharing your unique URL with your friends across various social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.), you lead them straight to your terawork profile. Then they can lead clients to your page…
You Get Paid After The Waiting Period
How long before your payment is released? For you to get your money, you have to successfully complete and submit your clients work. Note that payment only comes after the job has been successfully completed (not before or during). However,…
Number of works that can run concurrently
How much work is too much? I know you’re really excited to get to work, and you want to just take on as many jobs as you can. While that sounds great, remember that there’s a limit to the number…
Get some rest by switching to vacation mode
Everyone needs some “me time” TERAWORK is committed to providing enabling conditions for our sellers; that’s why we have provided the Vacation Mode feature. So, if you ever feel like you have too much work on your hands or you simply need…
Include your qualifications on your profile
Let your clients know you’re qualified Are you a certified professional? This is the kind of information your buyers would love to have, so let them have it. For professional services, you may need to possess some qualifications or certifications.…