Advantages of Hiring Freelancers

TERAWORK prides itself as a foremost platform for talent management. With a talent pool of over 20,000 well-vetted and experienced freelancers, TERAWORK is the best source for getting the best talent you need for your business. Hiring entrepreneurs have proven…

Using Freelancers as Temporary Workers

In today’s dynamic and ever-changing labor market, temporary workers play a crucial role in the Nigerian economy. As the country continues to face various challenges such as high unemployment rates, limited job opportunities, and a rapidly growing population, the utilization…

Enhancing Financial Inclusion for the Gig Economy

Introduction The gig economy has experienced significant growth in recent years, reshaping the employment landscape and offering individuals new avenues for income generation. With the rise of digital platforms and technology-enabled work, more people are engaging in freelance, part-time, or…

TERAWORK Selected for Google for Startups Accelerator Africa Class 7

Google has selected TERAWORK and 14 tech startups from Nigeria and six other countries to participate in its Accelerator Africa program. African startups raised over $4bn in funding in 2021, a 2.5x more growth than in 2020 and with the…

How to Turn Your Holiday Shoppers to Loyal Customers in 2022
So, the festive period is over, yeah? And it sure was the sales period but what next afterwards? In a world filled with marketing activities and an individual faced with an average of a thousand ads in a day, it’s…
TERAWORK Gets Selected into Royal Academy of Engineering for Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation 2021/22
We are excited to announce that TERAWORK has been selected into the Royal Academy of Engineering for the Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation (APEI) 2021/22 program lasting for 8 months from November 2021. We wouldn’t have attained this without you.…
5 Tips to Getting the Most Out of Freelancers
According to Payoneer, the desirability and prevalence of freelancing is flourishing and it’s here to stay. This is due to evident developments and changes in the business world; today, many businesses are beginning to see the need to outsource jobs…
TERAWORK and 3 other African startups secure $20k in future of work accelerator
TERAWORK and 3 African startup helping young people across Africa find jobs, build careers, and prepare for the future of work were selected to receive US$20,000 in funding at the culmination of the first Future of Work Africa accelerator programme…
Power Your Business Through Digital Marketing
The marketing landscape is evolving. How much revenue gets channelled down to businesses these days is largely tied to the scope of each business’ brand exposure and consumer engagement across the digital platforms. The number of content consumed digitally globally…
What’s Your Plan for Your Business to Outlive You
The family enterprise is one of the oldest and most popular forms of business across the world, yet Ninety percent of family businesses do not make it to the third generation. As shown on CNN The 100 club program, that…